odds and ends to hold or wear. I have made over 200 witch mice in the last few years and they continue to bring out that Halloween smile and enchantment. These funny little characters even are popular in England and Ireland and have quite a huge following. It always makes my day when something I dream up can make another person so happy.... Please check them out on the PFATT Marketplace Oct. 10th... 10am PST and 1pm EST

Magic is on the wind!
Softee Tunes

Unusual Suspects

Pumpkin Spice Latte

Aunt Mudmire


"Steampunk Stu"

©2011 "Steampunk Stu"
"Madame Tizzie"

"Maeve Mizzlewith"

Mice on a Roll


Christmas Morning

"Tea Toadler"

©2010 "Tea Toadler"
"Mrs. Cloverton"


Head of Gift Wrap!
"Elwood PODD"

Naughty or Nice

"Little Martha"

"Kiss the Cook"

100% true......

Nothing but the best for my characters....


"Ol' Birdie Hutch"

"Goin' Courtin'..."

5 Characters in 1

Here is a new "Soft in the Head" Halloween pattern. You get 5 patterns with this one. They are very cute and primitive. Pattern is: $10 shipping included. Just email me at: softinthehead@gmail.com with the order...

Welcome All...

"Soft Places"
Respect the work.
Respect the artist.
All rights reserved. All of the images and original content on this site are the property of "Soft in the Head" © P.K. Gracia 1998-2017, and may not be copied or used in any way without written permission.
Respect the artist.
All rights reserved. All of the images and original content on this site are the property of "Soft in the Head" © P.K. Gracia 1998-2017, and may not be copied or used in any way without written permission.

Nothing happens unless first we dream. Carl Sandburg
Facebook Badge



King Tut Trio

Steampunk Ravens



COPYRIGHT Notice….© 2003-17, all rights reserved by “Soft in the Head” and P.K. Gracia.
All the original contents on this site are the property of “Soft in the Head” and P.K. Gracia and may not be used in any way without express written permission.
All the original contents on this site are the property of “Soft in the Head” and P.K. Gracia and may not be used in any way without express written permission.

"Prims" Fall 2014
"Just Steampunk"

Lots of Steampunk Softees! 2014
Fall Prims 2013

ADQ 2013

ADQ Fall 2013

January 2013 "Prims"

Prims 2012
"Prims" 2012

Meet "Elwood" the elephant PODD

May '12 Doll Collector "Ghoultide Gathering" article

A Primitive Place magazine....just wonderful!

Jeremiah Frog was so much fun...happy to see him sharing a page with Laurie Hardin!
Prims Fall 2011

Have a REE mouse pattern in this issue for everyone!
Prims Spring 2011


Here's the new BHG mag 2010....check out my Santa mouse
"Celebrate 365"

This Halloween issue is fantastic! Look for my Halloween "Mini PODDS" in it!
ADQ 2010

Here it is...our new Ad in Art Doll Quarterly 2010.
Celebrate 365

Summer 2010
"Prims" 2010

Check out my characters in the new "Prims" magazine...
BHG 2009

Lucky me....I made the cover of Better Homes and Gardens 2009!

Cloth, Paper, Scissors Magazine Ad for Ghoultide...Scott Smith and myself
ADQ 2009

Here I am with some amazing artists being published in Stampinton magazine for "Ghoultide Gatherings".
BHG 2008

I designed a very cute snowman for Better Homes and Gardens 2008.

The Singing Mice!


Nothing worse than an art thief...Go get your own ideas and learn to be proud of your OWN work!
The family. We were a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together. ~Erma Bombeck
Scared David?

Do I want to know?????

Our daughter Casey, hubby Phil, Master Jude and Master Ethan...we love you guys!
Da Bachelor....

Our David who is livin' in Shanghai.....
Too Darn Far....

Chip and his family, Abby, Rohan & Eli, chillin' in Australia...

Grandma and Grandpa live here......
"Down Under"

Our son and grandkids in Australia!
E-Mail Me: softinthehead@gmail.com

"TraVeL ThRouGh ThE LaNd Of “Soft in the Head”
...the home of “Singing and Dancing Mice & Humorous Frogs!”.
...the home of “Singing and Dancing Mice & Humorous Frogs!”.
Where “Original Designs” of patterns and soft sculpture characters come to life..…
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
It's Halloween!
odds and ends to hold or wear. I have made over 200 witch mice in the last few years and they continue to bring out that Halloween smile and enchantment. These funny little characters even are popular in England and Ireland and have quite a huge following. It always makes my day when something I dream up can make another person so happy.... Please check them out on the PFATT Marketplace Oct. 10th... 10am PST and 1pm EST
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Where I've been....
I know it has been a VERY long time since I've written here on my blog....months! This last year has been a challenging one for me and "Soft in the Head". For many years I have suffered from chronic arthritis but this last year has thrown a wicked curveball my way with creating a series of tremors that has made it difficult for me to do much sewing or for that matter even walking. Having this happen has also created some deep depression for me....as much as you try to fight depression it has a way of winning the battle and I found myself withdrawing from the world....not good!
This last week started off with a small light at the end of the tunnel and I began sewing again. Granted it was only for a couple of hours but I sewed and that is all that truly matters. I'm hoping to participate in "A Bewitching Fete" this September and also my annual Halloween online sale....keeping my fingers crossed. As Dan says, "baby steps"....
Not all of this last year has been difficult...I mean, after all our son moved back to the states from China and that in itself has been "wonderful and a blessing". We became grandparents again for the 7th time and our daughter got her Masters in Science....I would say we hit a plethora of happiness and good news!
I'm slowly, cause I keep fighting it, approaching my 70th year...I have many life lines settled on my face from all the adventures, bad and good, that I have had these many years which creates the best memories and stories to tell, not all good and some pretty heartbreaking but I wouldn't change a thing. Two constants I have learned in all my years is to NEVER hold a grudge, it benefits no one least of all yourself and never give up on people...granted they can hurt and disappoint you but they can also be the best part of life. I truly love people almost as much as my cats LOL
I'm hoping to change up "Soft in the Head" a bit and start designing more patterns...... one day at a time. I've had to slow down quite a bit which has been the most difficult part of this new chapter of my life. Dan and I are still planning our trip to Ireland and we're hoping to be in England soon. I hear Christmas in England would be amazing, fingers crossed!
I'm not on social media much anymore, hurts to type, but I will try to stay in touch with all my amazing, generous, loving and kind friends. My cup runneth over with love from all of you. Keep a positive thought for me and I will do the same for all of you. Wish me luck!!!!
This last week started off with a small light at the end of the tunnel and I began sewing again. Granted it was only for a couple of hours but I sewed and that is all that truly matters. I'm hoping to participate in "A Bewitching Fete" this September and also my annual Halloween online sale....keeping my fingers crossed. As Dan says, "baby steps"....
Not all of this last year has been difficult...I mean, after all our son moved back to the states from China and that in itself has been "wonderful and a blessing". We became grandparents again for the 7th time and our daughter got her Masters in Science....I would say we hit a plethora of happiness and good news!
I'm slowly, cause I keep fighting it, approaching my 70th year...I have many life lines settled on my face from all the adventures, bad and good, that I have had these many years which creates the best memories and stories to tell, not all good and some pretty heartbreaking but I wouldn't change a thing. Two constants I have learned in all my years is to NEVER hold a grudge, it benefits no one least of all yourself and never give up on people...granted they can hurt and disappoint you but they can also be the best part of life. I truly love people almost as much as my cats LOL
I'm hoping to change up "Soft in the Head" a bit and start designing more patterns...... one day at a time. I've had to slow down quite a bit which has been the most difficult part of this new chapter of my life. Dan and I are still planning our trip to Ireland and we're hoping to be in England soon. I hear Christmas in England would be amazing, fingers crossed!
I'm not on social media much anymore, hurts to type, but I will try to stay in touch with all my amazing, generous, loving and kind friends. My cup runneth over with love from all of you. Keep a positive thought for me and I will do the same for all of you. Wish me luck!!!!
Sunday, March 10, 2019
It's Been Toooo Long!
My blog and website will soon be combined and re-vamped which I am so excited about. Been wanting to do that for quite some time too. Writing has always been a love of mine and with the encouragement of my future daughter-in-law and the rest of my family I think we will be attempting some stories using my characters as the focus...how fun it that?
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
New Pieces Being Added to the Shop
It's the beginning of that special season where people seem to get a bit nicer and red and green saturate the scenery, it's Christmas! My first Christmas was a HUGE success selling out in almost 10 minutes, thank you! I had many unfinished pieces that were shouting to be completed so they too could find a home. I will be adding Christmas characters to my shop through Dec. 12th.
Today this sweet little pipe organ music box will be added. The music box play "Ava Maria" and I think is perfect for a couple of little angel mice.
There will also be a sledding mouse who loves dashing down the slopes and my first mouse ornament, a little mouse nestled inside Frosty's hat. I also will have my first Mouse candy container.
Monday, November 12, 2018
Soft in the Head Annual Christmas Sale
Due to circumstances beyond my control I had to cancel my local Christmas show which was to be all about my "mice" soooo we here at "Soft in the Head" are going to have a Christmas "Mouse" sale here online. SO MARK YOUR CALENDARS for Sunday, November 18th
Thursday, October 4, 2018
Soft in the Head Halloween Sale
Here's the link to my shoppe where the sale will be: www.softeessellingshop.blogspot.com
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Headed to "A Bewitching Feté"
The mice are chattering and the witches are casting spells right and left and I even hear an argument about who is wearing the best hat, some things never change in this little band of misfits. The pumpkin characters are new this year though they are from an older design I did nine years ago, an old codger name "Boo Trick'em". I thought I would change him up a bit and add some legs and that is how the new pumpkin-headed tribe began. I must admit I am a bit partial to the white heads though, they just have a certain cuteness about them. I scored a bunch of mini mache pumpkins a couple of years ago and they just fit in so nicely with this new design and even with a few other funny characters. Halloween is just so much fun!
Friday, August 10, 2018
This month on PFATT it is all about Halloween, in fact it is going to be all about Halloween from here on out. Since my summer has been full of traveling and fun it is time for me to crack down and get to work since I do have a show in a month. Before I know it "A Bewitching Feté" will be here and it would be very sad indeed to have nothing to bring.
Be sure to check out the PFATT marketplace this month. Everyone is getting their Halloween groove on and the folk art is stellar!
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
It's Christmas in July on the PFATT Marketplace! I had so much fun coming up with these funny new characters for this month....nothing like thinking about snow in the heat of summer!
This month it is all about the "mice" and of course Santa! I love bottle brush trees and Santa always needs to have a tree loaded with presents and toys. This piece is pretty good size and would look good sitting in the middle of a table and since it uses batteries you can light it up anywhere. One of these days I will keep one of these for
You can't have Christmas without at least one snowman or in this case, snow-mouse! I almost kept this piece cause I truly love the whole snowman on the frame look...this is actually a wooden shadowbox. I was
lucky to find a small rusty bucket, just perfect for his snowballs!
Many of you know that I LOVE re-purposing vintage/antique finds and with this piece it's an old pewter candlestick. The candle is clay so it can't be lit but that doesn't stop this little mouse
from trying. There is just something about red and green on a mouse that steals my heart but nothing says love like "purple"!
Ever since I had a collector request a mouse clad in purple I have found I'm hooked with the color purple. This little angel is standing on a purple pin cushion but she has a purple ruffled collar and lavender satin sleeves. She is lighting the way with her candle and you know what they say about angels and bells...."every time a bell rings an angel gets her wings" well, it worked! Lucy the angel has a nice pair of wings.
I hope you will visit the PFATT Marketplace and see all the amazing Christmas folk art that is available for "Christmas in July".... www.pfattmarketplace.com
This month it is all about the "mice" and of course Santa! I love bottle brush trees and Santa always needs to have a tree loaded with presents and toys. This piece is pretty good size and would look good sitting in the middle of a table and since it uses batteries you can light it up anywhere. One of these days I will keep one of these for
You can't have Christmas without at least one snowman or in this case, snow-mouse! I almost kept this piece cause I truly love the whole snowman on the frame look...this is actually a wooden shadowbox. I was
lucky to find a small rusty bucket, just perfect for his snowballs!
Many of you know that I LOVE re-purposing vintage/antique finds and with this piece it's an old pewter candlestick. The candle is clay so it can't be lit but that doesn't stop this little mouse
from trying. There is just something about red and green on a mouse that steals my heart but nothing says love like "purple"!
Ever since I had a collector request a mouse clad in purple I have found I'm hooked with the color purple. This little angel is standing on a purple pin cushion but she has a purple ruffled collar and lavender satin sleeves. She is lighting the way with her candle and you know what they say about angels and bells...."every time a bell rings an angel gets her wings" well, it worked! Lucy the angel has a nice pair of wings.
I hope you will visit the PFATT Marketplace and see all the amazing Christmas folk art that is available for "Christmas in July".... www.pfattmarketplace.com
Saturday, June 9, 2018
Look What's New.....
As the weather starts to warm up my workroom starts buzzing with ideas. Even though I'm "semi-"retired I still get to plan and design something fun every month for the PFATT Marketplace. This month it's all kinds of silly starting with my "Worm" pin-keep! I just love creating pin-keeps! They're like creating a story in cloth! This one is exactly what I'm talking about...it's a story in a tin bucket, made of cloth and yet will be a great place to stick your straight pins.
Monday, May 14, 2018
Classes Start June 6th...Sign Up Now!
Learn How to Make
Your own PODD!
(Portly Original Designer Doll)
Meet "Hop-A-Long Bunny a tough hombre from the wild west! Learn how to mix mediums to get his round body, pudgy cheeks, floppy ears and fuzzy chaps. This guy will become your new best friend and open the door to a whole new world of doll making. How you wonder? It's easy, just sign-up on "Artful Gathering" the best online tutorial
venue out there... The doors have opened for sign-ups and classes start June 6th. This will be my 3rd year as an instructor for "Artful Gathering" and each year it gets better and better. They make this an outstanding event for one and all. Please check out all the amazing classes being offered. I'm even taking a couple myself.
"Artful Gathering" is quite an experience not just for the student but also for the instructors. I've made some wonderful lasting friendships from my classes. Stop by for a visit: www.artfulgatheringevents.com
Your own PODD!
(Portly Original Designer Doll)
Meet "Hop-A-Long Bunny a tough hombre from the wild west! Learn how to mix mediums to get his round body, pudgy cheeks, floppy ears and fuzzy chaps. This guy will become your new best friend and open the door to a whole new world of doll making. How you wonder? It's easy, just sign-up on "Artful Gathering" the best online tutorial
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"Artful Gathering" is quite an experience not just for the student but also for the instructors. I've made some wonderful lasting friendships from my classes. Stop by for a visit: www.artfulgatheringevents.com
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Welcome to My New Tutorial....
Monday, March 12, 2018
The Changes of Life.....
As I stand outside and look through the old wood gate my mind begins to drift...Dan and I have been here going on our 3rd year. Funny how life keeps changing around us but yet we still feel the same as we did many years ago. I look in the mirror and wonder who that person is staring back at me, I just don't recognize her anymore. The face looks
much wiser than I remember, a whole lot older but wiser. The wrinkles are trying to take over but the smile that seems to dominate that face keeps those wrinkles at bay. The quote from Abraham Lincoln comes to mind as I look at the reflection in the mirror "And in the end it is not the years in your life that count, it's the life in your years".....and Dan and I have had a lot of life!
Standing and looking out over this old gate it's easy to remember what everything will look like in just a few months. Buds are already popping
out everywhere and the trees are starting to hang heavy with them. The colors will be pouring out of flower boxes and pots plus the smells will be heavenly. Right now it looks sad....
Spring is such an amazing time of year, it's the birth and beginning for just about everything. As we
drive to town we see the new lambs and calves playing in the fields. Garage sale signs are popping up everywhere as everyone gets into the "Spring Cleaning" mode. The eagles are building their nest and soon we will have another bunch of eaglets forging for food and
diving into our pond after a tasty morsel. The snow geese are everywhere right now and you can see them pairing off and looking for possible nesting areas. Country life is the best, even the smell from the local dairies don't seem to bother me.
When spring is here you will find me in my humble little "porch" garden planting my sprigs of herbs and veggies and re-potting last years
geraniums. It may be getting more difficult for me to get out and dig in the dirt to plant my garden so knowing that my neighbors down the road always have a well stocked vegetable stand is nice. The bird feeders will get hung in front of the window to give Sammy and Issa something to fuss over and so I can enjoy the plethora of color that comes and goes and our squirrels will return to torment poor Sammy which is always fun....WELCOME SPRING we have missed you!
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