
"TraVeL ThRouGh ThE LaNd Of “Soft in the Head”
...the home of “Singing and Dancing Mice & Humorous Frogs!”.

Where “Original Designs” of patterns and soft sculpture characters come to life..…

For Patterns check out the...."Soft in the Head" site
For Finished Characters: Click Here

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Looking forward.....

The Road Ahead
There are times a person feels like they just need to plop themselves down and take stock in where their life is headed.  This has been my dilemma as of late.  When someone close to you moves on (dies) it's truly is a wake-up call in so many ways.  I think the biggest question we often ask ourselves is...
"am I happy?"  

 In most ways I think I am....incredibly so!  Fortune has smiled down on me quite a bit over the years....I have an incredible man in my life, 41 years now, three amazing, entertaining and intelligent kids, six of the most adorable and bright grandchildren, plus my art....Oh, and I get to work from home!   

If someone had said to me 10 years ago that I would be creating art instead of crafts I would have laughed out loud....but here I am.  I've been a successful pattern designer, doll maker, Halloween designer and now author (well almost an author) I don't think two articles in magazines warrants a successful author but it's a beginning...and I'm writing a book!  The difficult part will be finding the publisher for said book.  These are things in my life that I never imagined when I was young,  

My life has taken so many twists and turns but I never quit dreaming.  This is such an important part to our existence, dreaming and feeling like anything is possible!  I envy the innocent minds of children as they go through life trying to figure it all out and haven't yet been polluted with the ugliness that seems to be lurking under every rock on our path of life.  Some of my best ideas for my characters come from the minds of children like this one, yes Maddie a pickle PODD sounds like a winner!.....and also from my own  childhood where I saw things much clearer and with an exuberance that often gets lost when we grown up.    

As my life begins down its final road I'm spending more time pondering what it is I want to do and how to go about doing it.  First....all my decisions or plans will always have to have seats for two.  Dan is my co-pilot in all my endeavors and without his seal of approval and laughter to encourage me the road will have less meaning and absolutely no excitement for me.   He is, without a doubt, the best part of who I am and it just makes me smile! 

I do know that I want to keep creating and my PODD line has grown so much and become more popular than I could have ever hoped for.... so I would like to expand on that.  The mice are near and dear to me and also to many others.  Many of you have contacted me expressing your love for a book involving these whimsical little characters especially after reading my brief story about my Christmas Mice in "Prims" magazine.  To all of you... it is in the works!   

Where ever Me and the Mister end up I know it will be an adventure and full of magic and all kinds of weirdness!  It's just who we are and we're to bloody old now to change...


WoolenSails said...

What a wonderful posting and I think a lot of us are at that stage in life. I look forward to seeing your new book, something I dreamed about doing when I was younger and never carried through with it. I am still trying to decide what I want to be when I grow up, lol. For now I am content with my life and blessings and take each day at a time and see what it brings.


Lady Locust said...

Dear Pam,
Whenever it is that you figure out what life is all about, will you please email me STAT? :) Sometimes I wonder... at times, I think it is on purpose that we should not know.
Your work is divine. I know your book will not only have publishers begging, but will be a hit. You are a very talented woman.
PS. have you seen the movie that "The Fairy Night Song" came from?
It is sweet.

Kays Kids said...

Pam keep creating and writing. You are an inspiration.

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