
"TraVeL ThRouGh ThE LaNd Of “Soft in the Head”
...the home of “Singing and Dancing Mice & Humorous Frogs!”.

Where “Original Designs” of patterns and soft sculpture characters come to life..…

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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas Windows and Their Magic...

As a kid in the 50's my biggest thrill at Christmas was peering into the magic of store front windows.  As I looked at the display in front of me I often felt as if I was seeing it through the eyes of the "Spirit of Christmas" itself.  A child is always a good candidate for the innocence and magic of this holiday as they only see the "goodness" that often gets misplaced by adults!  

I could stand for hours and let my imagination fly as I drew in the colorful and whimsical scenes in front of me.  Living in Hollywood at that time in my life there was always an abundance of this magic around me....cause NOBODY does magic better than the movie mecca of the time! ;

Since both my parents were from Texas we sometimes would spend
Christmas in Houston where I was always fascinated by the windows at Foley's Department Store.  They were the "in" place to be when out Christmas shopping!

Not only does the magic and colors of these Christmas windows make your "spirit" take wings and burst with happiness they have a way of touching that child that will always live inside each and everyone of us...you know that "Peter Pan" syndrome part! 

We all have special Christmas magic in our hearts and we often display that magic around us in our own homes with our decorated
trees, centerpieces and lights.  Many homes become Winter Wonderlands or Enchanted Villages exploding with the magic of the season!  If we look around us we'll see bits and pieces of our childhood Christmas
fantasies coming to life whether it be in our homes or that department store window downtown...it's there!!  This is why I enjoy the magic of the old store front window displays that I grew up with....they made Christmas come to  life everywhere....

To be young again and see it all through those eyes is what actually prompted me to start "Soft in the Head"...I wanted everyone to hold onto that child-like innocence we had at this time of year and nothing does it better than a smile...a smile brought on by the tugging of those childhood memories!  Merry Christmas Everyone! 



Ally said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours Pam and keep on doing what you are doing xxx

Kays Kids said...

Pam, I remember the magic well. A little bit of me still remains there. I must admit our mall in town is decorated, but the shops are not done out with that magical feel any more.
Hugs Kay

Patri Bears said...

Bellissime foto, di un tempo lontano.
Mi fanno venire molta nostalgia!

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