I know it has been a VERY long time since I've written here on my blog....months! This last year has been a challenging one for me and "Soft in the Head". For many years I have suffered from chronic arthritis but this last year has thrown a wicked curveball my way with creating a series of tremors that has made it difficult for me to do much sewing or for that matter even walking. Having this happen has also created some deep depression for me....as much as you try to fight depression it has a way of winning the battle and I found myself withdrawing from the world....not good!
This last week started off with a small light at the end of the tunnel and I began sewing again. Granted it was only for a couple of hours but I sewed and that is all that truly matters. I'm hoping to participate in "A Bewitching Fete" this September and also my annual Halloween online sale....keeping my fingers crossed. As Dan says, "baby steps"....
Not all of this last year has been difficult...I mean, after all our son moved back to the states from China and that in itself has been "wonderful and a blessing". We became grandparents again for the 7th time and our daughter got her Masters in Science....I would say we hit a plethora of happiness and good news!
I'm slowly, cause I keep fighting it, approaching my 70th year...I have many life lines settled on my face from all the adventures, bad and good, that I have had these many years which creates the best memories and stories to tell, not all good and some pretty heartbreaking but I wouldn't change a thing. Two constants I have learned in all my years is to NEVER hold a grudge, it benefits no one least of all yourself and never give up on people...granted they can hurt and disappoint you but they can also be the best part of life. I truly love people almost as much as my cats LOL
I'm hoping to change up "Soft in the Head" a bit and start designing more patterns...... one day at a time. I've had to slow down quite a bit which has been the most difficult part of this new chapter of my life. Dan and I are still planning our trip to Ireland and we're hoping to be in England soon. I hear Christmas in England would be amazing, fingers crossed!
I'm not on social media much anymore, hurts to type, but I will try to stay in touch with all my amazing, generous, loving and kind friends. My cup runneth over with love from all of you. Keep a positive thought for me and I will do the same for all of you. Wish me luck!!!!

Magic is on the wind!
Softee Tunes

Unusual Suspects

Pumpkin Spice Latte

Aunt Mudmire


"Steampunk Stu"

©2011 "Steampunk Stu"
"Madame Tizzie"

"Maeve Mizzlewith"

Mice on a Roll


Christmas Morning

"Tea Toadler"

©2010 "Tea Toadler"
"Mrs. Cloverton"


Head of Gift Wrap!
"Elwood PODD"

Naughty or Nice

"Little Martha"

"Kiss the Cook"

100% true......

Nothing but the best for my characters....


"Ol' Birdie Hutch"

"Goin' Courtin'..."

5 Characters in 1

Here is a new "Soft in the Head" Halloween pattern. You get 5 patterns with this one. They are very cute and primitive. Pattern is: $10 shipping included. Just email me at: softinthehead@gmail.com with the order...

Welcome All...

"Soft Places"
Respect the work.
Respect the artist.
All rights reserved. All of the images and original content on this site are the property of "Soft in the Head" © P.K. Gracia 1998-2017, and may not be copied or used in any way without written permission.
Respect the artist.
All rights reserved. All of the images and original content on this site are the property of "Soft in the Head" © P.K. Gracia 1998-2017, and may not be copied or used in any way without written permission.

Nothing happens unless first we dream. Carl Sandburg
Facebook Badge



King Tut Trio

Steampunk Ravens



COPYRIGHT Notice….© 2003-17, all rights reserved by “Soft in the Head” and P.K. Gracia.
All the original contents on this site are the property of “Soft in the Head” and P.K. Gracia and may not be used in any way without express written permission.
All the original contents on this site are the property of “Soft in the Head” and P.K. Gracia and may not be used in any way without express written permission.

"Prims" Fall 2014
"Just Steampunk"

Lots of Steampunk Softees! 2014
Fall Prims 2013

ADQ 2013

ADQ Fall 2013

January 2013 "Prims"

Prims 2012
"Prims" 2012

Meet "Elwood" the elephant PODD

May '12 Doll Collector "Ghoultide Gathering" article

A Primitive Place magazine....just wonderful!

Jeremiah Frog was so much fun...happy to see him sharing a page with Laurie Hardin!
Prims Fall 2011

Have a REE mouse pattern in this issue for everyone!
Prims Spring 2011


Here's the new BHG mag 2010....check out my Santa mouse
"Celebrate 365"

This Halloween issue is fantastic! Look for my Halloween "Mini PODDS" in it!
ADQ 2010

Here it is...our new Ad in Art Doll Quarterly 2010.
Celebrate 365

Summer 2010
"Prims" 2010

Check out my characters in the new "Prims" magazine...
BHG 2009

Lucky me....I made the cover of Better Homes and Gardens 2009!

Cloth, Paper, Scissors Magazine Ad for Ghoultide...Scott Smith and myself
ADQ 2009

Here I am with some amazing artists being published in Stampinton magazine for "Ghoultide Gatherings".
BHG 2008

I designed a very cute snowman for Better Homes and Gardens 2008.

The Singing Mice!


Nothing worse than an art thief...Go get your own ideas and learn to be proud of your OWN work!
The family. We were a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together. ~Erma Bombeck
Scared David?

Do I want to know?????

Our daughter Casey, hubby Phil, Master Jude and Master Ethan...we love you guys!
Da Bachelor....

Our David who is livin' in Shanghai.....
Too Darn Far....

Chip and his family, Abby, Rohan & Eli, chillin' in Australia...

Grandma and Grandpa live here......
"Down Under"

Our son and grandkids in Australia!
E-Mail Me: softinthehead@gmail.com

"TraVeL ThRouGh ThE LaNd Of “Soft in the Head”
...the home of “Singing and Dancing Mice & Humorous Frogs!”.
...the home of “Singing and Dancing Mice & Humorous Frogs!”.
Where “Original Designs” of patterns and soft sculpture characters come to life..…
Thursday, August 8, 2019
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Pamela, I’ve been looking for you and glad to hear that you have seen a small light. You are such an amazing artist and I’m so privileged to have my small collection of “Soft in the Head”. I send you positive thoughts and prayers for your continued good health. Hope you make it to Christmas in England��, that would be so amazing. We all have those good and bad days to over come but the main thing is to be kind. It will get better!!! Take Care my friend! Wishing you all the best!
Much Aloha, Susan Boucher (Maui)
So happy to see an update from you! Hope you are able to continue sewing. Oh my, Christmas in England sounds wonderful! Love you and Dan!
Love Ya Pam! Look for a Commercial/Ad about AB290 IN California, also on FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, YOUTUBE. I was flown down to Burbank last week to talk about my challenges being on Dialysis for 8 years, and that this Bill is passed, Kidney patients like me will have to pay $300 a month that the AKF/American Kidney Fund pays for me.
Take Care of yourself Pam
Find joy. You may not always find happinessbut youcan fi d joy.
I've missed you on FB. AND I hope you find more joy and less pain. More stitching and less doubt. And wishing you amazing fun on you jaunts over the ocean.
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