
"TraVeL ThRouGh ThE LaNd Of “Soft in the Head”
...the home of “Singing and Dancing Mice & Humorous Frogs!”.

Where “Original Designs” of patterns and soft sculpture characters come to life..…

For Patterns check out the...."Soft in the Head" site
For Finished Characters: Click Here

Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Adventures Ahead.....

"The Road Ahead"
We often tell ourselves that the beginning of a New Year is the time to start over.....I put waaaay to much time into my life so far to ever want to start it over but what I will do is enhance it, become more creative and adventurous!  

The first item on my 2017 agenda is to "clean house"....So I'm having my first ever "Clearance Sale".  Yep "Soft in the Head" is
moving out the old to make room for what might be up my sleeve for 2017!  This is going to be so much fun!  I don't know how long the shop will stay open but I am going to continue to add to it as I clean my workroom, empty totes and dust, oh yes dust, my shelves of collectibles.  I'm excited about my life and what lies ahead.  For the first time I'm putting me first and it feels so good.

I've decided to do a Halloween show this coming year and focus on my classes and some licensing projects.  I finally feel in control and not stressed about where "Soft in the Head" is going.  I hope everyone will stick around and enjoy the adventure along with me....There will be new designs, new patterns and a new me!  Life is good and even better when we realize it and start to enjoy it!  Happy 2017 everyone!


Anonymous said...

You work it gal.....So excited for you

softinthehead said...

Thanks so much Donna :o)

TheCrankyCrow said...

Happy New Year Pamela!! I can feel the excitement in your words and it makes me smile. I hope the new year is everything you hope for. Love the photo of 44 years of happiness.... Smiles & New Year Hugs ~ Robin

softinthehead said...

Thanks Robin......Happy New year to you too!

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