
"TraVeL ThRouGh ThE LaNd Of “Soft in the Head”
...the home of “Singing and Dancing Mice & Humorous Frogs!”.

Where “Original Designs” of patterns and soft sculpture characters come to life..…

For Patterns check out the...."Soft in the Head" site
For Finished Characters: Click Here

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Saying Goodbye and Positive Thoughts.....

It's been awhile since I visited here with everyone.  This is the busy time of year for me with "Ghoultide Gathering" only two months away, magazine deadlines, finishing up on custom work and the ever and never ending pattern sales (yay).....Even with my life being so full there is always room for challenges and emotional chaos!  The artist life is a difficult one because often the real world and our artistic world will collide and knock our creative mojo right out the window and it can take days, weeks sometimes months to get it back.  Without our "mojo" work can come to a complete halt!  This is kinda where I've been this last week, in mojo limbo!

As many of you have read on my Facebook page I lost a good friend this last week quite unexpectedly.  Though death of anyone close to you is never an easy thing to deal with unexpected death seems just that much more difficult.  He was to young to leave us but leave us he did!  When receiving news like this our minds begin to search and analyze every possible scenario of what our loved ones might have felt or experienced before they left us for good.  Not a healthy way to handle such a tragedy but a human way nonetheless!  Grief becomes a close and necessary companion as we begin our trek back to normalcy.  Tears come and go at the most inopportune moments as images and phrases seem to knock holes into that dam of emotions....but forward we go!

With "Ghoultide Gathering" only a couple months away I have thrown myself into work as if it is my salvation from grief!  Logic seems pointless here and now....I know that as age keeps knocking on my life door that it does the same to those I love and so we begin that unhappy venture of attending more funerals than weddings as the years pass!  It is never to late to grasp the horns of life and go for a ride once in awhile.  We need to hold onto special moments like they are life's secret to youth and prosperity because they actually are.  Let go of the annoyances and the "Nay" sayers and surround yourself with a constant glow of happiness....even if your happiness is self made it is still happiness!   Learn to appreciate each and every breath as if it were your last...Don't have a life of good intentions have a life filled with follow through and adventures!  

It is always easy to sit on the sidelines and make these promises to yourself but wouldn't it be more fun to carry that ball to the goal line and do the "happy dance" of making a memory!  I may not be able to get around much anymore or for that matter even drive but I will make every day I have left count.....with a kind word for someone that needs it or a gesture that will, for a second, change a life in a good way!   Good-bye negativity and Hello Life!  RIP Mel....you are loved and will be deeply missed!   


fadedwest said...

i am so sorry pam...i didn't know you lost a good friend. just wanted to tell you...your words have really touched my heart today. i have been upset about a financial situation and after reading your post, i will take things as they come and not worry so much about the future...thank you dear friend...XOXOXO, karen

Unknown said...

I love you, Pam....Hello Life!! ♥

Janet Cline said...

I lost my best childhood friend two years ago. She drowned while collecting seashells along the beach. I will miss her for the rest of my life, even though I saw her very little now that we're older. The world was just a better place when Joy was in it. I often think of her last moments also. I know a little of the pain you're feeling but there are no words to make it better. Take care.

emmyray said...

Love your advice! :) You got the right idea girl! Know you have brightened the lives of many both with your words and with your work.
There is perfect logic into throwing yourself into your work because "Work is Love Made Visible" (K. Gibrhan) Maybe you know whom I'm talking about, everybody else around here just says "WHO", lol. Just keep on keeping on. xoxoxo

Me and My Stitches said...

So sorry for your loss, but I sure do love your post! It really is great advice, and I always say...it's just not that hard to be nice!

Sylvia Smiser said...

I am so sorry for your loss. That was a beautiful posting. Blessings to Mel, his family, and of course you my dear.
I always look forward to reading your blog because you always make me "feel very deeply". You express yourself very well and I like who you are. :)

WoolenSails said...

I am sorry to hear about your friend and I understand, it seems that we attend more funerals than weddings, but I have learned to enjoy each day and every little blessing that comes my way, as well as share that love with others when the opportunity arises.


Shuttle, Hook and Needle said...

So sorry for your loss.
Blessing to you and your family.

Beverly...Heartland Creations said...

Sorry for your loss. I was touched by your posting, so true. The older I get the more I realize what is truly important.
Bless your heart.

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