
"TraVeL ThRouGh ThE LaNd Of “Soft in the Head”
...the home of “Singing and Dancing Mice & Humorous Frogs!”.

Where “Original Designs” of patterns and soft sculpture characters come to life..…

For Patterns check out the...."Soft in the Head" site
For Finished Characters: Click Here

Monday, April 23, 2012

"Home Sweet Home"

Once Again "Casa De Gracia"
Our Home
Since "Once Again" many of you have asked about my home....here it is again. 

It's an old country store....something like you would see in "The Walton's". There are only four rooms in the entire home, a kitchen, living area (the biggest part) bedroom and a workroom/bedroom. Oh, I forgot we do have a bathroom, sometimes I feel an outhouse would be more appropriate considering the surroundings! LOL! This store is part of a "Historic" area up here in the Blue Ridge mountains and sits right on the "Carolina Trail" where many of our ancestors traveled to reach their destinations when this country was young and unsettled. You can still find broken pottery and arrowheads throughout the field behind us and often we see people doing just that.
Diningroom & Halloween Corner
Left Corner of Livingroom
Pictures by Livingroom
Our home has a strange set-up and very little light (few windows)so the pictures are a bit jumbled. The main room is divided into our livingroom, familyroom and diningroom. It has the original counters, shelves and fixtures from the store when it was operational. Since I have virtually no closets or storage I use the shelves to stack my blankets and quilts or excess dishes. I do, however, have one corner of the store devoted to my beloved Halloween and it stays out 24/7cause a day without Halloween is like jello without bounce! The walls have chipped paint and rusty nails protruding out in random places....but they just add to the character of this old place. There are buggy whip holders hanging over one window and from the ceiling. We even have one of the original wood barrels that held orange syrup for drinks.
Sitting Area By Livingroom
Part of Livingroom
Writing Desk in Diningroom
Door to Workroom & Desk

The original cash drawer is still inside a counter and even rings when it's pulled out. Like I said, tons of character. We even have a resident ghost or should I say ghosts. Apparently the land this old store sits on holds many spirits from days gone by and they often like to visit.....good thing I don't scare easily! All in all this place has many stories and tons of character. Good thing Dan and I don't mind the occasional invasion of natures critters or of the supernatural! We have an open invite to anyone that would like to visit....just give us advance warning so we can set some
guidelines to our furry and spiritual friends!
Sitting room

 Wood Stove &  Sitting Room


BumbleBeeLane said...

Just the type of place I'd expect you to live.Love it.The wall shelves are wonderful so much charactor.The little bumps in the night I'm sure keep it interesting..smile..Warm Blessings!~Amy

LuLu Kellogg said...

Oh my goodness Pam...I LOVE your house! Thank you so much for inviting us into your home!!


Flora said...

Ghosts ??? I'm a big chicken, but glad to hear that y'all all get along so well...

Sarah Beth said...

Your house is awesome!!!!!
I just love how you have everything decorated. Its really primitive. Wish you were closer by because I would come for a visit.

Kays Kids said...

It was lovely to visit you today. Thank you so much. Your home is warm and inviting, Love it.

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

Such a warm and inviting place Pam!
Thanks for letting us step inside!
Prim Blessings

Unknown said...

Oh, how I'd LOVE to sit and watch apparitions with you!! LOVE your home! Thank you for inviting us in!

TheCrankyCrow said...

I remember when you shared your home with us previously - I'm completely mesmerized by it....and by your awesome collections. What a rich feast for the eyes and soul. I'd love to see the buggy whip holders and the old cash register sometime.... I wouldn't expect you to live any place but one as colorful as this....Thanks, again, for sharing! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

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