
"TraVeL ThRouGh ThE LaNd Of “Soft in the Head”
...the home of “Singing and Dancing Mice & Humorous Frogs!”.

Where “Original Designs” of patterns and soft sculpture characters come to life..…

For Patterns check out the...."Soft in the Head" site
For Finished Characters: Click Here

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Pattern Factory!

Recently I made a comment on Facebook about my recent excursion to the post office where I quickly became the other customers worst nightmare...I had 187 pieces of mail to ship.  With the exception of seven packages everything else was patterns.  January has always been a great month for pattern sales but throw in a 50% off sale and you end up with a tidal wave of orders!  There were patterns going to Norway, Sweden, Germany, England, Italy, Australia, France and Canada.  This has been the absolute best sale I have had to date and might be my last unless I can train my cats to stuff, lick and address!  I was completely over-whelmed and at times crossing my eyes in frustration!  Notice the "Chairman of the Board" (Seamus our cat) was little or no help!  

Since my surgery driving has been on the back burner and I have had to rely primarily on Dan for shuttling me around and trips to the post office.  Since he works Monday through Friday shipping was usually on Saturdays.  I apologize to everyone who has experienced any delay in receiving any of my shipments.  Good News.... I am now able to drive and hopefully things will get back to normal with timely deliveries.  

Many have asked why I even have a sale like this when my patterns seem to do very well at their regular prices. 
It's cause everyone needs a break now and then financially  and sometimes getting even a pattern can put
an added strain on one who is counting their pennies.  This also helps me clean out older inventory and get an idea of what is truly hot right now.  It goes without saying that "MICE" are a big winner but what surprised me was that "anything" Halloween sold......and not to mention the bunnies, Easter is right around the corner!  Sooooo I guess in the BIG scheme of things "Soft in the Head" is still loved and in demand!  Thank you to all that took advantage of the sale and "Happy Sewing"!


Unknown said...

Happy it went so well!

TheCrankyCrow said...

Holy cats....that's a LOT of patterns!! (One one pretty kitty!!) Hmmmmm....you might have been the lady in front of me in the post office line.... ;o) Just kidding! Glad it was a successful sale...wish I were talented enough to be able to follow one of your patterns! Happy, Happy, Monday! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

Kays Kids said...

soft in the head is still loved: I'm so glad you had such a successful sale. Whoopy, independence at last with driving.

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

I totally missed something ~ bummer.
Glad to hear you had some wonderful sales. That surely is a lot of packages!!!
Prim Blessings

Unknown said...

Whoa! Good for you that you sold so many but MAN, I would probably be grumpy waiting in line after you! :D

Hugs and Happy New Year, hope you are getting better daily :)

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