
"TraVeL ThRouGh ThE LaNd Of “Soft in the Head”
...the home of “Singing and Dancing Mice & Humorous Frogs!”.

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Friday, August 5, 2011

My Life Right ow.....

I knew going in that this new way of life would require quite a few adjustments....but whoa the non-stop bathroom runs are exhausting. So tempted to set up my workroom in the bathroom! My hand seems to be permanently attached to a water bottle or a cup of herbal tea! Wonder if "Omar" the tent maker makes Depends!


Denises Kountry Patch said...

Pam, you are so funny....wishing you all the success in your weight loss journey..me....I am trying too...sometimes I lose a few and sometimes I gain...but I need to be committed...started again today after reading your blog...much luck to you...I just have to decide I am worth it...so down in the dumps lately...hugs...

WoolenSails said...

Just think, every time you pee, you loose a pound, lol.
I found out I have lyme and going through the first week was on and off symptoms, this week is going to be the tough one, so hopefully I can get through this tough spot without going nuts;)


Mary Ann Tate said...

Ha ha....that's my usual day:) It's the night time bathroom runs that are a pain:(

TheCrankyCrow said...

Oh Pam!! Stop! Your body will eventually adjust to the fluid intake a little better as well - and remember, this is WORTH it!! Wishing you success - and smooth adjustments...Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

lynn said...

Hi Pam,

I remember when I did WW's and drank water like it was going out of style. LOL!!!! My boss asked me if I was alright because I was going to the bathroom so much at first. Hee hee. Had to laugh cause at least this time I was being reprimanded for something. :-) I looked at him and said, "well I will tell you what I said to my 9th grade Algebra teacher, I have a slow leak!!!" He cracked up because he has a sense of humor. Needless to say my teacher didn't and of course I was lying. I went to go have a smoke with some friends and came back smelling like a cigarette. How naive was I to think I could go smoke and wouldn't smell??? But I told my boss I was drinking lots of water and that was why I was going a lot.
Keep up the water drinking and whatever else you will be doing. It is worth it. I never had to watch my weight until I quit smoking when I gained 60 pounds. Lost all but 6 of that but have slowly gained it all back over that last 23 years. I was under weight before but could still loose about 40 pounds. I wish you all the success and the world and you have lots of support here on your blog so on days you are having a struggle just come in and let us know. If you just don't give in to the temptation and keep telling yourself you can keep on in spite of it you will succeed one second at a time if need be. There is a saying I have heard that goes..."Don't give up 5 minutes before the miracle!" So just keep on in the miracle of each day with all the many well wishes and prayers that are coming your way.

The Frenzied Fox said...

Good luck with that! :) Feel free to drop by my blog for a giveaway if you wish! :)

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