"TraVeL ThRouGh ThE LaNd Of “Soft in the Head”
...the home of “Singing and Dancing Mice & Humorous Frogs!”.
Where “Original Designs” of patterns and soft sculpture characters come to life..…
ARGH!!!!! Brain Dead!
Really Struggling This Year for Ghoultide!
It seems my mind is so "be-fuddled" with other things that the ol' creative juices can't get enough room to simmer! What am I to do????? I don't think I would know an original idea if it came up and shook my hand...
which by the way I would love to find out....so all you "original ideas" the line forms at the left! ARGHHHHHH!
If I'm not careful I will become known as the "MOUSE" designer cause, honestly, that seems to be the only thing that is making an imprint! I'm beginning to think I can serve up a mouse a thousand different ways! Maybe I need some time away from all this...BUT I HAVE NO TIME!!!! Guess the moments of "brilliance" will just have to sneak up and surprise me as I trudge along! ................I'm waiting........ waiting.............and still waiting!
If the mouse is what your brain is creating, then keep at it. They are fun and can be done so many ways. I find that pushing myself to create, is the best way to lose it;) A break always helps, a nice walk somewhere peaceful is always nice.
I agree. Let the mouse parade continue! because we LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them. I'm sure you have already thought of this, but if you have many ideas for the mice, take that idea and work it into another kind of character. It doesn't matter what you do it will be wonderful!
Colleen C
Isn't that funny...I have this stuff in my head...and it just doesn't want to become reality! Sooooo annoying!!
I feel your frustration!
Looking at the mouse in my Holiday Crafts mag and the one here and on Pfatt, I say...let mice reign!!
Love the frog too! Got in a little too late for her. So adorable Pam!
You will get there...you always do!
Happy creating!
Hugs, Nancy
I hate it when I am "befuddled" and my mind is on something else but creating so I usually just sit in my studio and look around and look at some great mags for inspreation!!! I know you can do it!!! see you at Ghoultide!!
((Pam)) I guess its that time...to gently remind you of..of.. acceptance...I KNOW...I KNOW, I personally think its highly over rated but baby if the meecies arent thru, than either are you...Allow them to be your guide for today..Clearly theyre favorites of so many of us...be extra kind with yourself.
What happens to me is, all my creativity comes a week before a show, and I end up wanting to completly change my concept or ideas!!! By then it's too late. I have now learned to take everything I make, and put it out of sight until I am ready to go. That has helped me somewhat.
Best of luck!!
Mouse parade down the center of town!! YippY!! I'll be marching right behind ya.. I love ALL of your lil mousers !!
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