
"TraVeL ThRouGh ThE LaNd Of “Soft in the Head”
...the home of “Singing and Dancing Mice & Humorous Frogs!”.

Where “Original Designs” of patterns and soft sculpture characters come to life..…

For Patterns check out the...."Soft in the Head" site
For Finished Characters: Click Here

Monday, July 26, 2010

Miracles Happen!.....

This Ol' Softee is Building Her Own Website!
I have been wanting to do this for a very long time and balked at the idea, much less finding the time. This new site will make it so much easier for all of you to shop directly from the site cause it will be "paypal" friendly. The biggest perk is I will be able to maintain it myself without having to burden Dan with all the details. It's not going to be fancy but VERY functional and, personally, that's what's more important! Jan Davis of "Big Brown Dog" designed my banner, which I love! The lack of color and its simplicity is exactly what I wanted...THANKS JAN! Not only will my patterns be on this site (over 300 of them) but I will also have "What's New" and finished characters for sale. Hopefully this new site will be up and going in a week or so....WISH ME LUCK EVERYONE!!!!!!


Old World Primitives said...

Good luck! I am sure you will have fun with it. :)


WoolenSails said...

I look forward to seeing your new site.
I haven't built web pages in ages.


Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

Sounds wonderful~ I hope all goes smoothly for you!!

Stacey said...

Jan is da bomb! I have decided that I need easy in my life also, and will change my graphics/site over soon. May the sales be with you....


Suzanne said...

Cool! Best wishes!

kaniki's said...

Congrats- Congrats!!! I just love poppin' in to your blog to see what's new- and smile- of course- at all of your wonderful happenings... I am most certainly sure that your new site will be a huge success...

Best Wishes
Kaniki's Prims & Whims....

Anonymous said...

I think simple and functinal is great ! One of the best mantras is "simplify". Will be checking back soon.

Susan Walker said...

What an exciting new adventure, Pam. Can't wait to see your site when it's up and running. Susan

PEA said...

Luck is something you have everyday Pam, I wish you even more!

Rock River Stitches said...

Pam, Good luck on your new website!! Will be nice to shop from there.


/sewprimitive said...

What fun it was working with you on the beginning of your new adventure, Pam!. I can't wait to see the website in all it's splendor.


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