
"TraVeL ThRouGh ThE LaNd Of “Soft in the Head”
...the home of “Singing and Dancing Mice & Humorous Frogs!”.

Where “Original Designs” of patterns and soft sculpture characters come to life..…

For Patterns check out the...."Soft in the Head" site
For Finished Characters: Click Here

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

My Weight Loss Journey

"My Weight Loss Journey and Other Changes"
Weight loss at any age is difficult but at sixty-six it's almost impossible!  Four years ago I started gaining weight at an incredible rate.  This was mostly due to all the new meds I was taking for my breathing, arthritis and other severe health issues.  As time marched on my marching almost came to a complete and total halt.  Due to some rather unfortunate obstacles in both Dan's and my life we re-located to Washington state from Virginia....BEST MOVE EVER!  This is where I found an incredible group of doctors that saw me as a woman in trouble not just an over weight woman with health problems.  With the help of my dearest friend Rennie I found an amazing chiropractor and through his clinic I was introduced to "West Coast Weight Loss".  Being leery of all the fad diets out there like South Beach, Atkins and the quick loss weight groups like Nutri-systems, LA weight loss and Jenny Craig I needed a lot of convincing to try this.  My doctor wanted me to do gastric by-pass surgery but because I almost didn't survive my last time under the knife I chose to not go that route.  Dan was very
supportive and is paying for me to use West Coast....it isn't inexpensive but it WORKS!  
I started my new life style back in July 2016 and since that time I have lost 115 pounds.  I still have a very long road ahead of me considering I started out at 397...I still have another 100 pounds to go but something tells me that I can do this.  The greatest part about this diet, besides the weight loss, is now I eat to live not live to eat.  
My whole idea about food has changed. I cook everything, no conveniences for this girl.  What I can eat is limited because everything has to work with everything else to keep my metabolism going and working in my favor.  I eat no dairy, no gluten, no sugars, limited carbs, and limited proteins.  Wasn't much of a meat eater before the diet but that has really changed now, give me a steak any day LOL.  This diet has changed my life.
Last year I was in a wheelchair with very limited mobility now I can go shopping and walk the entire time.  I haven't used a walker,
cane or wheelchair in 6 months and I refuse to again!  
Dan and I are also traveling...whether they're small road trips or the planning of our trip to Australia, I'm traveling, I even applied for my passport....a year ago I never thought any of this would happen but it is.  I'm not ready for a marathon but I'm not counting it out either.
December was a tough month for me as far as sticking to my diet, I love cookies and Christmas baking.  I never over indulged but I did slip and slip often...I NEVER gained an ounce, not one.  I didn't loose but most importantly I didn't gain!
I'm enjoying my new life with such positiveness and excitement.   Where my art use to be the most important part of me it has taken a back seat, I still love it and pursue it but I am not driven by it and often chuckle at that person I use to be.  I'm enjoying everyday with a new outlook, new friends, new challenges and new adventures!
One of my greatest accomplishments is being a teacher....yep me!  I have always loved to teach and now I'm doing it again.  Whether it is just a few days a week or a couple times a year teaching is part of my soul and gives me much joy.  
I will be teaching at least two and possibly three classes for "Artful Gathering" this next year.  Registration for 2017 will be open soon.  My class last year was a huge success and so much fun!  The new friends that I made from that class are truly a gift and we talk often.  Many incredible possibilities lie ahead for me and "Soft in the Head".   I use to think that my success and happiness was based on the company I kept but with confidence and a whole new outlook I realize my happiness comes entirely from within me and the choices that I make.  Some of my choices, though difficult at the time, have been some of the best ones I have ever made, right up there with marrying Dan LOL.  
Another surprise and exciting event I will be involved with is this amazing new Halloween show, "A Bewitching Fete".  I was blown away to be included in this show.  It has a ridiculously talented line-up of artists from all over the U.S. and even some of my ol' Ghoultide buddies.  This show will be reminiscent of  how Halloween was when I was kid....embracing the magic and spirit of our inner child!  To find out more visit their website: http://www.abewitchingfete.com 
There are, yet, many more doors for me to open in my journey to self discovery and the new me.  Not everything is easy to attain in our lives but you'll find the most important pieces to your life will be worth the extra work,  the tears and the love.  Never give up on anything and especially don't let someone bully you to ever doubting your self worth....bullies are often the result of a very unhappy person.  Happiness is the key to all those doors you have yet to open....and my key ring is filled with keys that are ready to be used! 


Kathleen said...

You are an inspiration and a wonderful woman thank you so much for sharing your journey. XOXO

Art by Susie Krichbaum said...

I am so very happy for you Pam. What a wonderful journey you are on. XOXO

My Life ......One Day at a Time said...

That is so awesome!!! I am so proud of you and miss you being just up the road from Roanoke. Keep up the great job!!!!

suz said...

Pam, I'm so excited for you! Losing weight is such a hard thing to do and it's fantastic you found a way to do it that can be a life style, not a fad. As I've mentioned on Facebook, I fight a similar battle and it doesn't take much to "fall off the wagon". I broke my left humerus Thanksgiving afternoon. I was walking a lot and eating pretty healthy before then, and I lost all that momentum. I'm back to square one, but since I know I did it once, I hope to be back on track soon. It's far easier when I'm working, but since I'm planning to retire in a year or two, I need to come up with a plan for retirement, because I don't want to feel like this again. Keep up the great work. You're an inspiration!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!! So happy for you :)

Christine said...

Good for you !!!!! Getting our life back after loosing a great amount of weight is so self gratifying I think. I am down 60 lbs from my heaviest with nearly that much to go but I feel younger than I have in years. Thank you for sharing your journey !
Christine Rohloff
Mt Vernon Wa

Linda B said...

Truly, you are an inspiration to us all! Love, love, love your courage and candor! Life is such an incredible journey and offers us so many obstacles and challenges. Handling those challenges is a never ending part of life. I am so proud of you and proud for you, Pam! Looking forward to seeing you in 2017!

softinthehead said...

Thank you one and all for the love, the support and being a part of my journey. Still have a long road ahead of me but lets see if I can make it an interesting one :o)

Fran said...

Congratulations!!!. SO very happy for you. You should feel very proud of yourself. Keep up the great work and I am sure you will reach your goal. Thank you for sharing your story.

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