
"TraVeL ThRouGh ThE LaNd Of “Soft in the Head”
...the home of “Singing and Dancing Mice & Humorous Frogs!”.

Where “Original Designs” of patterns and soft sculpture characters come to life..…

For Patterns check out the...."Soft in the Head" site
For Finished Characters: Click Here

Sunday, September 18, 2016

"Hallowbaloo Pics and Fun"

"We Did It"
"Hallowbaloo" has come and gone and with the experience many new friends, collectors and followers have been made.  This was such a fun show, seriously FUN for both Dan and I.  It was

small and intimate and the ART was "off the hook" amazing!  I remember looking around me as I was setting up wondering why I was even here cause the work I saw was some of the best ever!  Dennis Haynes did an amazing job bringing this group together!  I see good things happening down the road for this show and see it growing

leaps and bounds.  Anything done with such passion, whether it be the art or the show itself deserves to succeed.  

"Soft in the Head" did quite well and I made some great "forever" friends.  I even had a couple from Colorado who are very good friends with Johanna
Parker make the trip to see me.....they were so special and I smile everytime I think about our time together at "Hallowbaloo".   Dan loves meeting and chatting with all the Halloween lovers that come through.  Friendliness and smiles are plentiful at Halloween shows....we are all letting that
inner child we have guide us and we have so much fun.  To see the faces of all those walking around and enjoying the  atomsphere energizes an artists' soul...nothing better! 

I wasn't able to get pictures of everyone's special spot or the artwork but the ones I did get will give you an idea of the talent that was here.  I will NEVER forget when I saw the "Day of the Dead"
dolls with faces completely made out of bead work or the "Day of the Dead" work from Isaiah Urrabazo that looked like it stepped right out of Mexico....amazing!

Everytime I made the loop around to meet and my fellow artists I was amazed and star struck by what I saw.....it was all so different and showed the passion that each artist had for their work, simply amazing.  Even though it was
a small show the diversity and quality was some of the best I have ever seen.   

A huge "Thank You" to Dennis Haynes for not giving up and believing enough in this idea to keep pushing forward.  We all know it wasn't easy for you and we truly appreciate your efforts.  By the reaction of the people attending and the smiles on their faces I think you have finally hit
 a "home run" and your dream of a quality Halloween show here in the Seattle area is coming together... Here's to 2017!


WoolenSails said...

Sorry if I offend anyone else, but I think your booth is wonderful and the one I would go to and buy from;)
Love your pieces, you have a unique style and your pieces are creative and make me smile, don't sell yourself short.


softinthehead said...

You are always so sweet Debbie...thank you :o)

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