
"TraVeL ThRouGh ThE LaNd Of “Soft in the Head”
...the home of “Singing and Dancing Mice & Humorous Frogs!”.

Where “Original Designs” of patterns and soft sculpture characters come to life..…

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Saturday, May 21, 2016

Getting Witchy Again......

"My Love of Witches"
As an artist we often find that one particular look or design that becomes our signature look...my long faced witches have done that for me.  Over the years I have created many of these funny and whimsical characters and each time I fall in love all over again.  It never ceases to amaze me how many comical expressions I can get
with just a simple tug of a thread or a dot of paint.  These funny little ladies have been one of my best sellers at shows and online, so many possibilities!

Over the years they have changed, not much but just a bit different.  They became a vignette in groups of 3 or being posed with their favorite feline.  They seem to get skinnier over the years with less clothing but still had that long
whimsical face that still, after many years, makes me chuckle every time one is completed.  

My newest long faced with is one that I actually thought of at 3am when I was having trouble sleeping. She's an impatient little witch that gets bored easy and just wants to get on her broom and start flying but alas she is made to wait till the "midnight hour" so she pulls her hat over her eyes and gets a few winks before it is "go time".
 After all being good at your job depends on "attitude" and this little lady definitely has that!   Coming up with new ideas using the same body can be daunting at times but very rewarding when one of the ideas you have works and works well. 

This year I plan on using this same look and apply it to some cats, bats and skelly's...My mind is a whirl of ideas and I can't wait to dive into Halloween full time and see what emerges from my workroom....Ya just never know around here!

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