"Things Change and We Adapt"
When we're young we can't wait to be old....Once "old" becomes a reality then we start to wonder about regret. I think my only regrets in my life, so far, is that I didn't grasp my creative side sooner and I'd learned to enjoy cooking! Cooking is not one of my favorite things!
As I look back on my colorful history one of the things I never imagined is that I would be in a situation like I am now...not being able to stand and walk. I was always an active and competitive person, eager to try new things and take chances....now I spend my days struggling to get across my diningroom or standing long enough to do the dishes. Going a day without the use of a cane is a time to celebrate, LOL! Life takes some funny and not so funny turns and the unexpected lies in wait around each one. This was definitely not expected but one adapts and turns those lemons into lemonade. I get to spend more time daydreaming which often leads to a new character. This is my calling and I often remind myself "better late than never"!
I do miss having a beautiful garden and being able to plant and cultivate one but I do live in some amazing mountains where nature is bursting out all over. So no matter how bad my attempts at gardening are now nature makes up for it!
Though... there are times nature gets a wee bit to aggressive and decides that living in my house with me is preferable to living with there own kind.... then the battle begins with me often waving the white flag for a compromise! Nature has me pegged, I am their champion....a liberal sap and tree hugger!
Even with my current challenges in front of me, and I'm sure there are more to come, the "powers that be" have been more than generous to me. They've given me a rich and exciting life.
Many lessons have been learned and passed on as lessons should be. People still baffle me a bit but I'm learning....probably the toughest lessons come from people. I know that I love more than I receive and with that comes difficult times. We all like to think that we are as important to others as they are to us but this is not often the case. Learn and accept then move on....it works! Finding my "Bliss" has helped to keep me grounded...now, if I could just find a way of keeping my mouth shut life would be "GRAND"!

Magic is on the wind!
Softee Tunes

Unusual Suspects

Pumpkin Spice Latte

Aunt Mudmire


"Steampunk Stu"

©2011 "Steampunk Stu"
"Madame Tizzie"

"Maeve Mizzlewith"

Mice on a Roll


Christmas Morning

"Tea Toadler"

©2010 "Tea Toadler"
"Mrs. Cloverton"


Head of Gift Wrap!
"Elwood PODD"

Naughty or Nice

"Little Martha"

"Kiss the Cook"

100% true......

Nothing but the best for my characters....


"Ol' Birdie Hutch"

"Goin' Courtin'..."

5 Characters in 1

Here is a new "Soft in the Head" Halloween pattern. You get 5 patterns with this one. They are very cute and primitive. Pattern is: $10 shipping included. Just email me at: softinthehead@gmail.com with the order...

Welcome All...

"Soft Places"
Respect the work.
Respect the artist.
All rights reserved. All of the images and original content on this site are the property of "Soft in the Head" © P.K. Gracia 1998-2017, and may not be copied or used in any way without written permission.
Respect the artist.
All rights reserved. All of the images and original content on this site are the property of "Soft in the Head" © P.K. Gracia 1998-2017, and may not be copied or used in any way without written permission.

Nothing happens unless first we dream. Carl Sandburg
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King Tut Trio

Steampunk Ravens



COPYRIGHT Notice….© 2003-17, all rights reserved by “Soft in the Head” and P.K. Gracia.
All the original contents on this site are the property of “Soft in the Head” and P.K. Gracia and may not be used in any way without express written permission.
All the original contents on this site are the property of “Soft in the Head” and P.K. Gracia and may not be used in any way without express written permission.

"Prims" Fall 2014
"Just Steampunk"

Lots of Steampunk Softees! 2014
Fall Prims 2013

ADQ 2013

ADQ Fall 2013

January 2013 "Prims"

Prims 2012
"Prims" 2012

Meet "Elwood" the elephant PODD

May '12 Doll Collector "Ghoultide Gathering" article

A Primitive Place magazine....just wonderful!

Jeremiah Frog was so much fun...happy to see him sharing a page with Laurie Hardin!
Prims Fall 2011

Have a REE mouse pattern in this issue for everyone!
Prims Spring 2011


Here's the new BHG mag 2010....check out my Santa mouse
"Celebrate 365"

This Halloween issue is fantastic! Look for my Halloween "Mini PODDS" in it!
ADQ 2010

Here it is...our new Ad in Art Doll Quarterly 2010.
Celebrate 365

Summer 2010
"Prims" 2010

Check out my characters in the new "Prims" magazine...
BHG 2009

Lucky me....I made the cover of Better Homes and Gardens 2009!

Cloth, Paper, Scissors Magazine Ad for Ghoultide...Scott Smith and myself
ADQ 2009

Here I am with some amazing artists being published in Stampinton magazine for "Ghoultide Gatherings".
BHG 2008

I designed a very cute snowman for Better Homes and Gardens 2008.

The Singing Mice!


Nothing worse than an art thief...Go get your own ideas and learn to be proud of your OWN work!
The family. We were a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together. ~Erma Bombeck
Scared David?

Do I want to know?????

Our daughter Casey, hubby Phil, Master Jude and Master Ethan...we love you guys!
Da Bachelor....

Our David who is livin' in Shanghai.....
Too Darn Far....

Chip and his family, Abby, Rohan & Eli, chillin' in Australia...

Grandma and Grandpa live here......
"Down Under"

Our son and grandkids in Australia!
E-Mail Me: softinthehead@gmail.com

"TraVeL ThRouGh ThE LaNd Of “Soft in the Head”
...the home of “Singing and Dancing Mice & Humorous Frogs!”.
...the home of “Singing and Dancing Mice & Humorous Frogs!”.
Where “Original Designs” of patterns and soft sculpture characters come to life..…
Sunday, July 20, 2014
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Nature knows those who will love and care for wildlife. Though, sometimes they cause the "wild" in life. You are gifted in so many ways, never forget that. You might even say you have a "wild" side. Giggle.
Yes, people will baffle and even shock us but that's when we sit back and remember all the beautiful souls that are in our lives.
I regret that you have such challenges, for that I am sad. But it sounds like you won't be stopped at what you love and who you love. Never change.
Have a beautiful day.
How I admire your spirit and resiliency and an ever hopeful heart. It really struck me when you said you realize that you tend to love more than others and that it often isn't returned with the same intensity. Wow, did that hit home. Sometimes I feel absolutely sophmoric in my attempt to love and please and only hoping it will be reciprocated......... my husband says I set myself up for disappointment but don't know how to be any different. I treasure your outlook, your perspective, your kind soul and creative source, you are a keeper dear Pam, always remember that, the rest will follow............
Thank you dear friends for your kind words.... you made me a wee bit weepy!
I'm so glad to pop in for a visit. I know the feeling of not being able to get around. The hardest lesson to learn is not wanting what you can't do. but. finding what you can. I know that is just where you are.
Sending Hugs
Your post could have been written by me, in so many ways. I love sitting on my porch and watching the critters and enjoying the simpler things in life.
Hang in there kiddo! Your creativity and indomitable spirit are an inspiration to the rest of us.
You really don't know how much others love you or how they will remember you. Not everyone so openly expresses their spirit so openly. Some candles burn more brightly! So love and live as you wish...
I'll try to act on the inspiration I read this evening! Jo
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