The one advantage of living where I do is the HUGE corn field right behind me and the constant parade of nature's finest....I have been and always will be a lover of "Nature" and to be able to have it served up daily in all its glory is more than I could've ever hoped for. The turkeys are one of my favorite performers in nature's theater. They always get a chuckle from me as I watch them dance, flutter and gobble at one another. Mating season is here and the Toms are proudly displaying their finery to win over a harem of hens with hopes of a plethora of future off spring!
A few days ago Dan and I welcomed a herd of 27 deer into our backyard as they felt comfortable enough to drink freely from my birdbath and nibble on the beginnings of spring flowers! Good thing I wasn't to fond of those spring flowers because I think they'll be missing this year.
Since my life has changed so much in the last couple of years and I
no longer leave my house to often, I find that the entertainment I get from Mother Nature and her flock... inspirational. In our busy day to day lives many of us forget to stop and look around at the most basic things of life.... I'm not making that mistake any longer! I want to grab a hold with both hands and go for the ride of a lifetime. It truly is amazing what one can find in their own backyard if they take the time to look! I guess Dan and I and our two cats aren't the only residents at this old country store here in Virginia after all!
It is amazing at how, when we slow down, we start to notice things that were there, all along. I have truly learned to enjoy the little things and the little moments in time that bring me joy and hold that in my heart.
I love your backyard Pam, and all the critters in it including your own good self. I was going to do the same today as all of my Rhodies are putting on an awesome show. I love your music too.
We just left Roanoke, Virginia on Monday to head back to Canada. Roanoke was like a fairy tale with beautiful flowering trees everywhere! Hope Spring reaches us soon! Today I watched some deer and wild turkeys in the field behind our house. Wish they were closer so I could get some great pictures like yours.
Great pics of your backyard! We are in the flight path so we get a lot of birds and waterfowl at our home. We also have a cabin on 10 acres in the mountains, elevation 8500, we get a lot of deer, moose, turkeys, etc up there, it gives you so much peace, we just can't get there yet because of snow.
You and I are alike with nature...Nature is a huge part of my life. I never get tired of photographing it. I seem to sew less and less these days. Just can't get enough of photography and learning new techniques that go along with it.
Pam how true. I spent many years in bed and watched the spiders weave their glistening webs with diamonds all over them from the dew and rain. Watching Monarch Butterfly's come out of their cocoon makes me all the richer. How luck was I to see the many things nature showed me, that I would not have seen if I was running around busy all the time.
Thankfully now I can do things but never cease to watch nature.
Hugs Kay
I find I prefer the solitude of nature over most people, any day of the week. Love you Pam..Truly a wonderful person all the way around!!
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