
"TraVeL ThRouGh ThE LaNd Of “Soft in the Head”
...the home of “Singing and Dancing Mice & Humorous Frogs!”.

Where “Original Designs” of patterns and soft sculpture characters come to life..…

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Friday, November 1, 2013

Good Times????

"Country Living"

Sometimes chipped paint and weathered boards can have a place in ones decor but in all seriousness it can get frustrating!  This old store (108 years old)  that we live in is in desperate need of a "face-lift" but if we do that we might be robbing it of its quaint and rustic appeal.   It's not everyone that can boast about having a gas pump on their front porch, especially one that says 19 cents a gallon.....it's not only a gas pump but a turquoise one at that!  The front doors are so old that we can't use them any longer so the only way in and out of our home is through the back doors....Of course this can be a pain when one of Gods creatures, say a six foot black snake, decides to sun himself by hanging over your screen door so you're eyeball to eyeball if you did try to leave.....Such is life in the country!  
This old place does have moments of magic.....like when the deer walk across my deck and peer into my workroom while I'm sewing, or the time I watched a mama bluebird take her new family bathing in the birdbath right outside my kitchen window and I'll never forget the amazing swarm of cardinals we have during the winter that take charge of the bird feeders or seeing the fireflies in June!  Country life can be lonely, isolating and even at times darn right depressing, like when a car hits a deer and it dies in your backyard....but I wouldn't trade any of it!  I love the quiet calmness of nature and the sense that everything lives for the moment and how those moments can change in the blink of an eye!  

When I look at this old store and see the chipped paint, broken floor boards and rusty hinges or remember about all the things I have seen....I just sit back and imagine all the amazing stories this old place could tell if it could talk!


Debi said...

Love your paradise! I thought I was having an episode though when the snow started falling! Nice touch!
Happy to have found you.... xoDebi in Canada!

Barb said...

I love it! We live in the "burbs" but have a "money pit" seasonal camper about 1/2 hr away in the country & let me tell you I love & appreciate the peace & beauty of the country when we are there! I wouldn't know what to do about the doors but a big barn star above the porch & maybe some other antiques on the front porch! I would love to live there!

Bittersweetfolkart said...

What a great old building
so this is where you create your lovelies ~ very inspiring..thanks for sharing ~


softinthehead said...

Thanks for visiting everyone!

Prudence> I laughed so hard at your comment...thanks for making my day!

Barb....there is nothing better than the quiet and beauty of the country to re-energize ones batteries!

Mandy....Nice to see you here, thanks for visiting!

Carol said...

Beautiful post !!! Love your home ♥


What a wonderful place to call home! And your words just brought me closer to the "moment!" I wouldn't trade it either! Thanks for sharing!


What a wonderful place to call home, and your words brought me to those "magical moments!" I wouldn't trade it either! Thanks for sharing!

Shuttle, Hook and Needle said...

There is so much life in these old building. My heart breaks when I see them neglected and torn down. Your store is wonderful and you are so lucky to live there, creaks, problems and all. I especially love the "Rainbow" doors. My mother always bought Rainbow bread when I was little. I had the chance one time to buy old doors just like them but didn't have the money. How I wish I had them now. They remind me of home.

Kays Kids said...

I know the feeling of peace living in the country. I lived on a farm until I was 47 years old. Now I live in the city.
Seeing nature outside your window is wonderful.
I didn't have a petrol pump though.
I often think we are lucky to have a roof over our head at all. So many people don't.

WoolenSails said...

Your home is so full of charm and history, love it and the area looks like a wonderful place to relax and create.


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