
"TraVeL ThRouGh ThE LaNd Of “Soft in the Head”
...the home of “Singing and Dancing Mice & Humorous Frogs!”.

Where “Original Designs” of patterns and soft sculpture characters come to life..…

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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Memory or Two..Maybe Even Three...

Sometimes in our busy day to day existence a simple image will stop us in our tracks and spark a rush of nostalgia.....so it seems with this image.   As many of you already know I love all things "old and worn".. be it chippy paint to rust,  the older the better.  I've often imagined, to myself, that these old, often discarded pieces of our past have many stories to tell and if we listen hard enough we can often hear them spinning tales of days gone by!.  
I was drawn to this antiquated image with a strong sense of family and love from days since past.  Like my own life, it held a great sense of loneliness that as a parent we all feel when our children sprout wings and fly off in search of their own adventures and stories.  

I'm sure this worn rocking chair was a confidant to many secrets and lullabies in its time or rocked the hours away as a loved one waited for the return of someone near and dear.  I know I was one who did my best story telling while rocking.....I also have a deep seeded love for rocking chairs and have quite a collection throughout my home.  Each chair has a fond memory attached to it and often inspires a story or two.  

As many of you know Dan and I live in a VERY old and distressed piece of history, a country store.  This store constantly reminds me of its past whether it is from the chippy paint on the walls, plank flooring or the buggy whip holders hanging from the ceiling.  With my collection of old and worn objects scattered throughout I find it only enhances the ambiance of this old place (110 years old to date).
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I recently purchased a copy of a wonderful re-telling of "The Night Before Christmas" put together by the combined efforts of  Mark Kimball Moulton, Noel Runnals III, and Verge Prior II.  This simple poem that we all of have enjoyed since childhood has taken on a new life and touches your heart only the way any nostalgic and loving memory can.  I highly recommend this new version to start a family tradition or just to have some quiet moments while rocking in your favorite chair!  Every Christmas that I can remember with our children Dan would bring out the tattered and much loved copy of this poem to read to the kids on Christmas Eve.  This tradition has since moved on to their own families.  I can't even begin to describe the fullness of ones heart when watching your grandchildren enchanted with this timeless classic like your own children had been....who says "magic" doesn't exist!  Magic is all around us if we just take the time to look and listen......a simple poem like "The Night Before Christmas" is a great place to start!   


Regina said...

OMGOSH...first I have to say that I totally agree with your advice for today.

I loved this post. I so agree that magic is all around us and I feel very blessed to be one of those that does stop to look and listen.

Memories can return in the blink of an eye and through an image even as simple as chipping paint or an old rocking chair.


Kays Kids said...

How rich we are to have wonderful warm memories. Precious times like reading to your children and then Grand children fill my heart with joy as well.

The Moonlit Stitch said...

I was drawn to this image also when I found it on Pinterest and added it to my old houses board. Wish everyone could take time to stop and rock on a porch. Good for the soul. ~*~Lisa

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