
"TraVeL ThRouGh ThE LaNd Of “Soft in the Head”
...the home of “Singing and Dancing Mice & Humorous Frogs!”.

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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Memories and Then Some..

Mom and Dad 1944
There are certain dates in ones life that just always have a place in your head and heart and today is one of them.  Today would have been my parents 67th wedding anniversary...Dad's been gone since 1987 but mom is still with us and still full of spit and vinegar, lol!  With a war raging on back then many people got married very young and endured long periods of time separated.  Here in this picture my mom was 17 and my dad was just a mere 20 and yes fighting in WWII.  My dad was a casualty of war not to long after this picture was taken.  He lost his hands, eyesight and hearing from a mine blast....but he had his life!  The adjustment to his new life was never easy and equally as difficult on my mom but they made it!  They had three kids, me and my two brothers.  Older brother fought in Viet Nam, 3 tours!  Younger brother was part of the 82nd Airbourne and then on to becoming a ranger.  Me, well I protested the war in the 60's having lost my fiance in Viet Nam....My dad worked for Veterans Affairs until he left us, always involved in making it better for our service men at home.  I often spent many weekends at the Veterans Hospital with my dad, playing cards with the vets or dominoes and to this day sell poppies on Veterans Day or at least buy a handful.  I may have protested the war but I have never once forgotten the dedication and love we as Americans have for our country!  Thanks Dad for showing me that I don't have to agree but I do have to show respect!  Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!


Janet Cline said...

Wow, what a tribute. And this is the man that taught you to be a tree. . . I think he would be very proud of you.

TheCrankyCrow said...

What a beautiful and bittersweet tribute to your parents. What a charming couple they were! Your dad made an incredible sacrifice for our freedom....What an honor to be his daughter. Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

Olesha said...

Наши родители - источник, из которого мы пьем живительную влагу всю нашу жизнь... Очень хочется, чтобы они оставались с нами как можно дольше. Дай Бог здоровья Вашей маме!!!

Me and My Stitches said...

Thanks so much for sharing your personal story. I have so much pride in all of our vets and the sacrifices that they and their families have endured.

Sarah Beth said...

Loved your folks story. Love that though you protested the war you still honor and respect the vets. Good for you. Your parents were a gorgeous couple.

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