
"TraVeL ThRouGh ThE LaNd Of “Soft in the Head”
...the home of “Singing and Dancing Mice & Humorous Frogs!”.

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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Important Facts.....

"Throwing Another Log on the "Fire"
Photo of MY McCalls Pattern
Since this whole "Pattern Sharing" mess is something that I feel very strongly about I want to clarify on some inaccurate information that is circling in cyber-world.  It has recently been brought to my attention that an individual used McCalls patterns as an example for "Pattern Sharing" being okay....now I would hate to be a stock holder of McCalls or on their Board of Executives and hear this.  Some people seriously need to get there facts straight before jumping on the band wagon of an issue which with their miss-information could cause more harm than anything else....below is the McCalls Terms of Use.....

ALL McCall's patterns, regardless of when they were produced, are protected under copyright. It is illegal to sell photocopies of our patterns and to use our patterns to make items for subsequent resale. If you sell photocopies or make and sell items from a licensed pattern you would not only be violating McCall's copyright, but would also be in violation of the licensed designer's copyright.A seamstress or dressmaker may use a McCall pattern to make a dress for a client and charge fees, however it has to be made for a specific client and a new McCall's pattern must be used each time. A person CAN NOT use a McCall's pattern to produce garments or items intended for subsequent resale. For example, if a woman wanted to start her own business of making Prom Gowns, she could make them for individuals that approached her, using a brand new pattern each time. However she COULD NOT make several dresses ahead of time and then take them to a boutique, or anywhere, to sell. All of McCall's patterns are intended for "Home Use Only", which means they can be used to make something for yourself or as a gift for someone else. Permission to use copyrights for home businesses is never granted and can not be obtained.

Regarding the rights to a design, they belong to either the pattern company or the designer but not with the purchaser. We sometimes use outside designers that we have licensing agreements with. The designs of the licensed patterns belong to the designers. Copyright laws are complicated and have changed quite a few times over the years. While a pattern may appear to be no more than a few sheets of tissue paper and newsprint in an envelope, it actually contains the creativity and expertise of more than 100 people including designers, patternmakers, diagram artists, technical writers, and others-all of whom work hard to bring McCall's customers more than 300 new designs every year.
We hope this information is helpful.
Meg Carter
McCall's Consumer Service
Do your homework before making ridiculous assumptions.....Many have thought this whole issue is about "sharing a pattern" no this about much, much more....It's about scanning, converting and sharing a copyrighted pattern with more than one individual and them sharing it etc. and about accepting stolen property and finding nothing wrong with it! The internet is a "double edged sword" it can benefit and cripple anyone in this business.  How many of you cry "FOUL" when someone borrows an idea or copies your work?  We as designers depend on the honesty of our customers and their belief in us as artists/designers to keep our businesses around.  This whole "Pattern Sharing" mess is far from resolved but a group of victimized designers are working on seeing a resolution happen.  Please remember don't believe everything you read.  Be smart and do your homework...not everything is as simple as a post on Facebook because someone has a grudge or can't figure out right from wrong.  I'm known for being completely honest to people and sometimes this can be a cross I carry.  Thank you for reading this.......now on to something fun like designing a couple of ravens!


susiedele said...

Wow! I'm lucky I'm not in jail. I have a little girl's nightgown pattern that I've used at least 8 to 10 times. I suppose that they have to be pretty specific with a large company like McCall's but that's an eye opener for me. Thanks for the info.

Maureen - sweetmeadowsfarm@yahoo.com said...

Maybe someone should let McCalls, Simplicity, etc. know how this person feels. Ah, forget it, she's a non-entity :)

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

Hi Pam ~
Thanks so much for doing your homework for all of us in the needlearts industry...it is heartbreaking to know that someone you once thought was a loyal customer, has now become nothing but a lowly thief. I am saddened by all of this, but will continue to offer my designs for those that are honest, and who appreciate my hard work.

Blessed be,

Mary Ann Tate said...

My mum used to have a fabric store where we also sold patterns. If companies like McCall's think that people are not making things from their patterns and not selling them at craft fairs and bazaars then they are living in a bubble.


I have to thank you for bringing all the information to light about what is going on with "pattern sharing." It has helped me with my own venture and given me insight as to what I should be doing to protect my interests. Seems noone ever thinks what they are doing is wrong and they feel that it is ok because the designer doesn't know it's happening, in this case thinking McCall's won't ever find out. All it means is that they have never gotten caught. But, illegally doing something is just that, illegal! I will have to keep my eyes wide open, but thank you for opening them in the first place!

Shweet Sandi said...

Pam thanks for all you do to help us that do create patterns. I know I for one let designers know when i see folks reselling their patterns on eBay. It's not cause i am a nosy person, it is because i would want someone to let me know if they saw one of mine being resold somewhere.
I have lots of sleepless nights due to pain so might as well spend it helping fellow artists.
shweet potato dolls n patterns

Oak Ridge Primitives said...

Hi Pam,
Yes the world of the web seems to have opened up Pandora's Box. I have found myself being copied, also, and might I add by one of the top prim pattern designers. Yes, it's a horrible thing, there are so many dishonest and greedy folk out there, I have come to the conclusion, that unless I hide in a closet, I'm opened up for such thievery. So I weigh the pros and cons of the business and continue on. I'd love to live in an ideal world where everyone has values, but it isn't such. I think we are all inspired by others and have much to learn from other designers, however the outright stealing must stop....

MJL said...

Hi Pam,
I applaud you for all your hard work and continued upfront steadfastness in your beliefs, not only for yourself but for those who also design patterns for sale. I believe these people of whom you speak fear not, thinking that you can do nothing to stop them from their continued crime spree. I hope that you continue your fight toward what is right and that you all succeed and the ending is what you hope. YOU GO GIRL....GOOD FOR YOU !!!!!!

suz said...

Pattern sharing happens a lot in the quilting world. I can't tell you how many times I've had someone as if they can "borrow" a pattern. I just keep forgetting to bring it in because I'm tired of explaining the "borrowing" part. When they all want to do a project using the same pattern, I do my spiel and if no one pays attention, I don't participate. I'm sure if they were the designer, they'd be a bit upset!

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