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Monday, February 27, 2012

Dust and Words...the Best!

Best Thinking Place Ever!
Ever get into a "funk"?  I'm beginning to think the word funk should be listed with those other "four letter" words that are taboo to use!  Inspiration is on a holiday at my house and it is time to bring out the "BIG GUNS".  I need a musty, dusty and cluttered "Book Store/Shop" to get myself going again!  We're not talkin' Barnes and Noble here we're talkin' "OLD"...the harder to walk in the place the better type shop.  I can find a remote corner somewhere and surround my senses with the smell of the written word and feel revived and renewed!  I LOVE books!  No really "I LOVE BOOKS"!!!!!  To me there is nothing better than a leather bound, yellow paged book to take me into an adventure of a lifetime.  When I was young and the world would go side-ways, which was often, I would find comfort and safety in the imagination and written word of others.  Peter Pan was always my favorite but from there I found stepping into the shoes of the girl sleuth Nancy Drew was always an adventure and fun.  Kept my mind spinning about "Who Done It"!  I loved the classics from Ivanhoe to To Kill a Mockingbird....I read everything, still do!  Since arthritis has become a constant companion Dan felt it wise to present me with a Kindle.  Much easier to hold than a large book but not as satisfying.....Nothing will ever take the place of turning pages with anticipation or the smell of the ink and leather or just the newness of a best seller!  I still have my collection of 1st editions, some signed,  and I will continue to add to it!  Okay "funk" it is time to take a hike.....I have work to do!


MaryV. said...

Try Givens Book store in Salem - it is just what you described!

softinthehead said...

Been there Mary....It is wonderful!!!!!

Kays Kids said...

You make me smile every time I read a post from you. Funk it is, We are waiting......

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Oh man...the dreaded funk...ick, gag, puke. Looks like a wonderful hinding place among the books, clutter and dust. I think I would still need a coffee though. hee,hee,hee.

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

I love old bookstores too!
Hope you get rid of you funk!!!
Prim Blessings

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