
"TraVeL ThRouGh ThE LaNd Of “Soft in the Head”
...the home of “Singing and Dancing Mice & Humorous Frogs!”.

Where “Original Designs” of patterns and soft sculpture characters come to life..…

For Patterns check out the...."Soft in the Head" site
For Finished Characters: Click Here

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Winter Wonderland....Maybe?

As everyone is starting to thaw out here in the Pacific Northwest we are beginning to worry about the possibility of flooding.  Growing up in this area many (way to many) years ago flooding was always a concern after a huge snowfall or days of rain.  We just muddled through and either left our homes in small motor boats or hunkered down in the up-stair bedrooms (lol).  Life in the Pacific Northwest has always been adventurous and enlightening!  I'm beginning to think it is the only place on earth that one can claim snow-storm, flooding, ice storms, volcano eruptions and earthquakes all in one breath.  Gotta love it here!  Not to mention a casino on every corner (well maybe not every corner) and REALLY good coffee!  Today we venture out to do some much needed "junking".  Upon leaving I will inhale a deep breath of the air that not only clears my lungs but my mind and brings nothing less than a smile to my face and soul!


just me said...

oh have fun!! hitting any of the fun stores in Snohomish?? Love the pics so far. R'Chelle

WoolenSails said...

We got snow, then it melted, need more.
I love going out in the back on my cc ski's, gets me rejuvenated again.


Kays Kids said...

Your photo's are wonderful. It always amazes me how those little birds don't get frost bite on those toes.

Jan said...

Wow, you guys really got a lot of snow. Ours is all gone and the floods have subsided. I do hope that you won't have too much trouble up there. When do you leave for home. Have you been able to make it to Pike Street Market. My very favorite stomping grounds when ever we were in the Seattle area. Did you go to Forks??? Hheheh
Have a great time and have a very safe trip home too. Hugs.

Anonymous said...

Have fun; that is why I live here in the great NW!!

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