
"TraVeL ThRouGh ThE LaNd Of “Soft in the Head”
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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Packing Sucks!

What to Take to the Hospital?????
I hate packing whether it's for a long vacation or just a few days at the hospital. Packing sucks! I miss all my little "creature comforts" and want to take them with me where ever I end up but lets face it favorite quilts and pillows are just to difficult to fit into any suitcase and still have room for a toothbrush! Hospital stays are really the worst, how many changes of underwear do you take....do you even need underwear (God I hope so)....Often you can't even wear your own gown and get stuck wearing one of theirs that has serious back-side air conditioning. Not only that...who has long enough arms to reach all those cumbersome ties in the back. The other thing that just drives me loonies is how ridiculously rough hospital sheets are.....lying on sandpaper for a few days is definitely not my idea of fun...I can try to pack my own sheets (700 ct. Egyptian cotton) but I highly doubt they will fit. And that's the other thing "the beds"....God I wish I could just pack my own bed and be done with it! Okay, I know I'm being a cranky Gus here but it beats dealing with the nerves. As I lay out all the basic essentials I feel I will need on my bed I'm beginning to realize that 3 suitcases won't be enough! I will need one for my teapot, cup and various herb teas and I can't forget snacks, MP3 player, cross-stitching, Kindle and various magazines....wonder if I should bring my shower scrub, loofa, hair dryer and hot iron.....this is getting way to complicated, maybe they can just give me enough drugs that I won't care about any of it...Works for me!!!!!


WoolenSails said...

You made me laugh, someone as bad as me when it comes to hospitals. Last time they wanted me to stay overnight and I said, no way, I don't have anything with me, I need something to do, and my own food;)

I hope everything goes well, and i will be thinking of you.


Anonymous said...

I know how you feel, I hate even going to town for the day, let alone a hospital to stay yuck! I will pray that you have soft sheets, a good looking doctor and that all goes well for you so you can come home!!

Deb said...

Been thinking of you and sending healing vibes your way . Here is a pic for you . Love you friend . Get well soon !

Mila said...

Dear Pam...I read only now...My thoughts and prayers are for you...

Alice said...

Thursday's the day they roust Bud out of his nesting place? I'm sending you positive vibes every day ~ do you feel them? Forget packing and take their drugs ~ rest and heal so you can get your buns out of there!!!

Kays Kids said...

All you need to pack is your wonderful personality, and you will be fine.
Love and Hugs

Anonymous said...

oh my, :)... Good luck with the eviction of that tumor, I'll be send healing light your way, I say take it all with you, an old quilt is always a great comfort....Blessing Amber

Unknown said...

I know the eviction will be successful!
take care

Enchanted Hollow Designs said...

Hi Pam,
Wishing you all the best for a successful surgery and a smooth and speedy recovery. You will be in my thoughts and prayers bigtime.
My list of essentials for a hospital stay would include: a tablet of paper and at least two pens for jotting down any questions or concerns that I don't want to forget when the doc makes his/her rounds; a watch so I know what time it is; magazines to look at and read, a decent serviceable, plushy long robe. You can use it as an extra blanket on the bed. Oh, and a few large size safety pins. The bottom sheet has a tendency to slip off at the top of those adjustable beds and big safety pins really can help keep the bottom sheet on the bed!
Try not to take too much and definitely not anything that could "grow legs" and disappear. Once you are feeling stronger, they will probably send you home to finish recuperating. It will be a big pain to get everything back home again, especially if you have flowers and cards from well wishers. And, there is just nowhere to put things in those rooms.
I hope this helps. Please take care, Cindy

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

I say pack some clean underwear for your return trip home! Gotta have them! As for the air conditioning wear a gown the right way with flap in back and wear another one like a robe! Hopefully you'll be too drugged up to care!!! Oh and bring your own toothbrush ~ they charge a fortune for one there! Maybe all you really need is your great personality!!! Keep your spirits up! Will be thinking about you ~ hope everything goes well!
We'll be here when you get back, cheering you on!
Take care my friend
Prim Blessings

Anonymous said...

Hey Pam!
Ive been praying for you! Keep that wonderful additude that you have and you will be fine :)
All my healing thoughts are coming your way!
Hugs from your Canadian Friend

Theresa said...

Thinking of you today...I'm hoping all goes well tomorrow.

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