
"TraVeL ThRouGh ThE LaNd Of “Soft in the Head”
...the home of “Singing and Dancing Mice & Humorous Frogs!”.

Where “Original Designs” of patterns and soft sculpture characters come to life..…

For Patterns check out the...."Soft in the Head" site
For Finished Characters: Click Here

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Before and During......Argh!

A Clean Workroom To Pumpkin-head Chaos!

Here we go again....as I approach the final stretch to "Ghoultide" chaos has taken complete control! No matter how many times you tell yourself and make that proverbial vow "I am going to start "Ghoultide" in January!"...it never happens! Creativity must flow easier under stress I guess cause I seem to always wait till the last minute for everything. Of course this doesn't take into account that "life" throws us those wicked curve-balls that seem to take out "BLOCKS" of time and push us back into a brain numbness that takes days sometimes weeks to recover from!

Pumpkinheads are on the menu this week and seem to springing to life on the weirdest contraptions....guess this is their charm! Next in line will be cats, then ghouls and mice and to round out my arena of strange and whimsical characters will be more frogs....ya know I think there is a worm or two poking their fuzzy little heads around a heap of fabric!


maddyrose said...

Just keep that imagination of yours going and we'll be thrilled with whatever you make with it. Worms??

TheCrankyCrow said...

What a wonderfully fun and creative play area you have....I wanna play at your house!!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

Kays Kids said...

I love your work room. I would feel completely at home there.

ScoldingWitch said...

Thanks for rushing a pattern to me in the middle of all this! I am currently surrounded by half done creatures myself and I appreciate the opportunity to add your sleepy witch to the chaos!

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