
"TraVeL ThRouGh ThE LaNd Of “Soft in the Head”
...the home of “Singing and Dancing Mice & Humorous Frogs!”.

Where “Original Designs” of patterns and soft sculpture characters come to life..…

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Best Listeners Are.....

This photo tugged at my heart when I saw it for the first time and now I have it sitting above my computer. Everytime I look at it I'm reminded who the best listeners are in my life. Being a good listener is a VERY important quality in a friend. Often our animal partners get little or no credit in this area because we seldom remember just how many times we talk to them....maybe we actually don't want to remember for fear of being thought of as eccentric, looney or just plain old! My animal buddies are with me more than any human and I do find myself bouncing ideas off of them like they're the CEO's of "Soft in the Head". Seamus (our orange cat) has been Dan's and my landlord for 12 years now and we count our blessings everyday he allows us to live with him! Issa Bee (our white cat) is the Vice President in charge of quality control and has no problem voicing her opinion about "EVERYTHING"! These two fur friends keep me entertained, know my secrets and ease my pain when the time calls for it! They have their "quirks", furballs being one of them, but that's a small price for always being there when I need to talk or someone to keep my feet warm on a rather cold night, sorry Dan! I recently lost my best fur friend, Casper, to cancer and now, a day does not go by that I don't think of him, but instead of a tear I smile and remember all the wonderful times we had and the long conversations, often one sided, we shared! Our fur buddies are an important part of our lives and their loyalty and devotion knows no limits....everything with them is unconditional! That reminds me I think we're out of treats....uh oh I'm goin' hear about that!!!!!


lynn said...

My life would not be complete with all my fur bundles I have had. And it has torn my heart to shreds when they have left me and this world for the one they go to where they can really do everything they want. Snickers :-) Four years ago I was returning something to PetsMart I bought and did not need for my 15 year old cat that was too expensive. After meeting a friend for dinner I went to return it and she came along. They were having a pet adoption at the time which did not phase me but she had to go wonder the store to look at all the dogs. When my return was done and I went to look for her and I went around the corner as a dog and volunteer were rounding the same and I couldn't resist petting him. Well needless to say I starting asking questions but decided I couldn't get a dog as my cat would probably kill it. They told me they would be there the next day and would make sure to bring this dog back and I was to visit a high school friend that day. When I left the house I should have taken a right to go to my friends but went left right to the store, got the dog, then went to my friends. He is still with me and it took my cat a while to adjust. My cat got very sick a few weeks later and lasted a year but I know the big guy in the sky was looking out for me when this whole thing happened so I would have another little furry love in my life when my cat left this world. I named him Scout from "To Kill a Mockingbird" as that is my most favorite book & movie of all time and I he is my little love. Right now he is obessing over chipmunks because he has some Jack Russell in him and wants to get them all. :-) Life would not be the same without all the fur bundles I have had. :-)

TheCrankyCrow said...

Wonderful, wonderful, post....and no truer words ever spoken. (I adore that first photo!!!) My fur buds are my closest confidants - and because they are such innocents in this world and love so unconditionally, their losses are sometimes the hardest to bear.....Sorry for yours...but glad you know the gift of his time with you....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

Evelyn said...

Oh, I talk to my 3 "boys" all the time. I'd be lost without my kitties.

Prims and Annies said...

Love your posting. I have two little people with fur that stay near me all day, especially around 12:00 noon...mealtime. I have a siamese and he makes eye contact with me whenever I talk to him. It gets a little scary sometimes...it looks like he actually understands and responds with a meow. We bought new leather chairs recently and he has taken mine...I keep a pillow in and that is where he sleeps..day and night. He can even watch me in the kitchen from "his chair".

Ahl Cooped Up said...

I love that picture. I could not live with out a "fur buddy" or two or three!

Kays Kids said...

I Love your post and certainly love the picture. It says a thousand words.

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