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Friday, April 1, 2011

Thanks Lynn...

For Introducing me to James Christensen!
I love art!!! I must admit though, my mind and tastes are VERY eclectic and encompass a huge realm of "likes". When anyone asks me what I collect I just snicker, or is that my husband snickering, anywho....I collect what I love... from vintage copies of first edition books to framed scraps of time worn quilts. I guess what it all comes down to is "I collect what makes me feel good"! My Halloween collection, for example, won't garner any huge dollar amount if sold at auction but each piece I have I cherish and remember who made it or where it came from. The same goes for all the artful items I have...I have original pieces from Disney that are 50-60 years old and a couple more modern day pieces from an unknown artists of today, but I treasure each equally.

I have to give a big "shout out" to a dear collector and new friend Lynn Westmoreland for introducing me to "James Christensen" and his work.....simply breath-taking! I look at his work and travel to all kinds of places and experience amazing adventures. Everytime I look at his art I see something new and exciting! Thank you Lynn....James Christensen is now on my proverbial "wishlist"! I had better hurry and start making some of those wishes come true cause life is getting a tad shorter each day, :o). I believe, to surround ourselves with anything that makes us smile, dream and feel alive is the best gift we can ever give ourselves. Soooo whatcha think...maybe I should go shopping?


Mary Ann Tate said...

How funny. I put a book about him on my Amazon wishlist recently..."A Journey of the Imagination: The Art of James Christensen". I really enjoy his work:)

Alice ~ Folk Art Primitives said...

I've long been a fan of Christensen and have a beautiful coffee table book with all his fanciful drawings ~ love it ~ and his style fits you perfectly!!

Theresa said...

I love his work too Pam.... I found puzzles of his work and each one I've put together I saved and framed.

Unknown said...

Well, imagine my surprise when I come on Pam's site today to see she actually went and checked out James Christensen's work and loves it as I do. I am the Lynn she has referred to on her site and just wanted to let all know that James Christensen also has two daughters who have followed art in his footsteps. Emily McPhie and Cassandra Barney. Of course their art is much different than his but gosh they do have the creative and talented bug from him. :-) I have a few of Emily's paintings but my house is becoming full of James art. I just bought one about a month ago. :-)

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh... another similarity. :-) I've loved his work since I first saw it years ago in the Art magazines. I have a tiny little magazine cutout of one of my favorites of James', "The Fish Walker". You can't help but smile. Have a great weekend and watch out for stinkbugs!

LoveAlwaysLavern said...

oh! i have the "Voyage of the Basset". It was one of my fabric books. the images are so stunning. The Dragon in the book inspired me to make him out of clay in 8th grade. I was almost finished. it looked beautiful. i ended up being absent one day due to illness and one of the kids who didn't like me had smashed my dragon. i was so upset! mmmm i wanna go refresh my memory and read my book again. :) thank you for sharing!

LoveAlwaysLavern said...

not fabric, favorite... wow, remind me not to type when sleepy!!

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