
"TraVeL ThRouGh ThE LaNd Of “Soft in the Head”
...the home of “Singing and Dancing Mice & Humorous Frogs!”.

Where “Original Designs” of patterns and soft sculpture characters come to life..…

For Patterns check out the...."Soft in the Head" site
For Finished Characters: Click Here

Monday, April 11, 2011

Need Brainfood for "Ghoultide"......

From the looks of my work table I might have been munching on flies as brainfood.....I have frogs leaping from everywhere! This must be the "Ghoultide" year for frog-mania from "Soft in the Head"! We have short frogs, long frogs, frogs with teeth and frogs with feet, frogs wearing feathers and frogs wearing leather.....seems to me I need to either get some much needed sleep or change the name of my business to "Frogs in the Head"! I never knew there were so many ways I could make a frog look, lol....I realized I might be having a problem when I bought out all the green paint from my local craft store and then asked when the next shipment was due. I'm beginning to think the employees there think I'm either drinking the stuff or found a new recipe that requires green paint in the mix. Are frogs really that popular? Maybe by the time I'm finished they will be. It seems I have a frog for every taste, unless you seriously don't like the green amphibians, but maybe after you see my "green folk" you might change your mind cause they are definitely a smile maker! Here's to the year of the frog at "Ghoultide"...Needless to say things are truly "jumping" (snicker snicker) here at "Soft in the Head"!


Judi Hunziker said...

Where do you come up with these wonderful ideas? Your blog is fabulous to read, you should be a writer as well,♥Judi

The Moonlit Stitch said...

Can't wait to see your frogs! I started a frog pinkeep a few weeks ago. A local sponsor of a summer craft show is a big frog collector, so I always try to make a frog for her...frogs are cool and yours I am sure will be magical and incredible! ~*~Lisa

pywackit said...

Pam, your fabulous froggies always make me smile. They are the best. I just love this toothy Halloween fellow.


Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

Your frog is adorable!
Love his big smile ~ teeth and all!
Prim Blessings

Hanni said...

I just love your frogs, I just love everything. Do you have time to go to bed at night?

MJL said...

You designs are just amazing. I can't go online without checking to see what you've done thats new. I just love everything. Do you ever wonder what's next or do you always have the next creation in the back of your mind, just waiting to be born?

softinthehead said...

Thanks everyone....I definitely have a thing for frogs! They are just way to much fun to make! Thanks again everyone!

Unknown said...

Love the new frogger! :-) How about a frog with a pocket full of stink bugs? lol ~ Deb

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