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Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Daughter Wrote a Book......

A Childrens Book About Manners......
I have to chuckle when I think about my amazing and beautiful daughter....often wondering if there was a chance that babies were mixed up in the hospital and someone else actually has mine...one that is hard to handle, stubborn, ill tempered, warped and only average on the looks scale, but alas I do have the right one and I just sit back and beam with pride! Our daughter Casey, Cassaundra to many, is a nurse, teacher, full time mom to 3 adorable little boys and wife to Phil (the son in law everyone wants) plus now she is an author! Casey has always been talented but I never dreamed she would write a children's book. What inspired her was the lack of of etiquette that she saw in the children around her and she swore that her boys would always say "please and thank you and may I" . Casey is a firm believer in the opinion that we all have one chance to make a good impression so why not teach your children while they are young to start doing it. This book takes you along the trail of a lost little ant named "Andy" and how his politeness encourages other critters to help him find his way. Everything is in rhyme which makes it ever more appealing to the small ones! She even did the illustrations herself, crude but definitely perfect for this book and kids.....I just can't express how proud we are of our daughter. She knows where true fortune is found, in our children! May "Andy the Ant" find his home and success in the literary arena! Congrats Casey!


honeycreekprims said...

How do we get a copy?

Evelyn said...

Congratulations to your daughter!

WoolenSails said...

Maybe you are right, I might have yours, lol.
I always taught mine manners and it is sad to see kids who have none, such a simple thing to teach.


primitive ole frugal mumma said...

You must be so proud , it's lovley to see children use those magic words manners ...our oldest is 18 and our youngest 3 ..well 2 years ago i got a call from the head master at school about our son ..he just called up to say how great it was that our son stood up on a bus home from school to let a adult sit ..i was taken aback ..acording to him it just dont happen much these days ...

Heidi :-)

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